Monday 9 July 2012

Photography- Urban Landsacapes

Urban Landscapes

 While my time at college I had to do many assignments. During my second year we had to do a photography unit. One of the assignments for this unit was to choose a subject out of Fashion, Documentary and Urban Landscapes. I chose to do Urban Landscapes, I felt that this would be a interesting topic and felt I would be best at this. I researched Urban Landscapes for around about 3-4 weeks finding different people's work and see what people's perspectives to Urban Landscapes were. I also found two artists that influenced me and my work. The two arists were Brendan Neiland and George Shaw, two artists that are very different from each other. Brendan Neiland used reflection for his Urban Landscape photographs whereas George shaw took photographs of run down areas.

Using the information I had I looked for areas around London where I could photograph. The places I went to were: Liverpool St, Brick Lane, Southbank, Canary Wharf, Tower Bridge, Hayes,  Hayes abandoned pool, Northolt and run down estates in Northolt. I wanted to get Tower Bridge when it was lifting up so I had to research when it would be lifting up.

 Overall for this project I took around 400 photographs including test shots. For the assignment I could only use 12 so I had to narrow it down. I feel like this assignment was really fun to do and I am proud of the outcome of my work. I was able to see different areas of London  that I haven't seen before so it made going to the places fun.

When I finally choose the final 12 I had to edit them on Adobe Photoshop to make slight changes to them. I didn't change much to the photograph I just cropped each photograph and changed the brightness and contrast a little bit. For one of the photographs I changed into black and white as I felt it looked better.

Below are my final 12 photographs I hope you like them.

1 comment:

  1. Some cool shots here Bethany. I like your night shot of Tower Bridge. Good work!
